The European Confederation of Directors Associations (ecoDa) ir veikusi 2 ierakstus LinkedIn, publicējot attēlus, kurā ir redzams Gatis Kokins:
[WEB] ecoDa :: On European Board Diploma :: 26-Oct-2023 :: start
[PNG] ecoDa :: On European Board Diploma :: 26-Oct-2023 :: start
[JPG] ecoDa :: On European Board Diploma :: 26-Oct-2023 :: start
[WEB] ecoDa :: On European Board Diploma :: 26-Oct-2023 :: group photo
[PNG] ecoDa :: On European Board Diploma :: 26-Oct-2023 :: group photo
[JPG] ecoDa :: On European Board Diploma :: 26-Oct-2023 :: group photo
The 2023 Fall edition of our European Board Diploma has just started! Training the board members of tomorrow in a futurist venue. EBD
35 participants from all over Europe!
ecoDa a.s.b.l - The European Confederation of Directors Associations
GUBERNA - Instituut voor Bestuurders/Institut des Administrateurs IFA administratrices et administrateurs engagés Institute of Directors (IoD) Directors' Institute Finland Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance Nedcommunity Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije / Slovenian Directors' Association Instituto de Consejeros-Administradores, IC-A NCD - Nederlandse Vereniging van Commissarissen en Directeuren Financial Experts Association e.V. (FEA) The Non-Executive Directors' Club in Greece Styrelseakademien Board Foundation Armenian Institute of Directors (AIoD) Hagen Schweinitz jean coroller
Here is the new #EBD European Board Diploma cohort !
A unique programme designed by senior European board members for European board members!
#EBD programme helps our 35 participants to explore and understand the challenges for European directors in the years to come.
Thanks to our lecturers for the first initial two days Hagen Schweinitz Dr. Roger Barker Marie-Bernard Guillaume Gudrun Timm Lena Henningsson Jean-Baptiste Duchateau prof. Sabrina Bruno Tina Mavraki CFA Maria Eugenia Girón Dávila Blomme Hilde Manuel Montecelos Hannah Summers Florian Jacques Stanislav Shekshnia Alexa Gorman Fredrik Erixon